

Detroit Justice Center Expands Community Land Trust Services Through New Partnership With Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)

The Detroit Justice Center is thrilled to share that we’ve recently received a grant from Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC). This funding is a significant boost to our intricate model that focuses on utilizing the law to create economic opportunities for communities which have been damaged by the systems we currently have in place.
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Detroit Justice Center Welcomes $2 Million Donation from Yield Giving Open Call

Today, MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving announced the Detroit Justice Center (DJC) as one of the Yield Giving Open Call’s awardees working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the United States. DJC received an award of $2 Million. (...) DJC believes that this donation signifies a genuine commitment to racial and economic...
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Community Partnerships Playbook

How can technologists and scientists engage communities in a spirit of partnership, without extractive practices? How can community organizations work with researchers in ways that benefit their communities and expand their capacity, rather than burdening their staff? The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy's newest publication, the Community Partnerships Playbook, has some answers.
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We’ve moved!

It’s official, we’ve now moved into our new home — the LOVE Building! The LOVE Building is located at 4731 Grand River in the Core City neighborhood of Detroit. Its mission is to amplify social justice organizing, nurture creativity, and provide a community space that is inspiring, accessible, and responsive. At the LOVE Building we...
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In Memoriam

Today we mourn the loss of William “Bill” Goodman, an attorney known for his work on human rights and civil liberties and an avid supporter and colleague of DJC.
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MDRJN’s Second Restorative Justice Training for Detroiters

DJC’s Metro Detroit Restorative Justice Network (MDRJN) concluded its second community RJ facilitator training on Saturday, October 28th! We welcomed 11 incredible participants aged 22 to 65 and representing community block clubs, sexual violence crisis response teams, K-12 schools, community centers, and solution-minded community members!
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Seeding Abolition from within Our Relationships: On Building an Abolitionist Detroit Workshop Series

What does abolition look like as a creative practice? Ruth Wilson Gilmore reminds us that “abolition is about presence… it is building life-affirming institutions.” In this light, frameworks of defunding the police and getting rid of prisons can explain only a part of the abolitionist process. Abolition sees prisons in hierarchies, punitiveness, and opportunism that...
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Celebrating Five Years of DJC’s Fight for Freedom

At our celebration in August, we brought together over 160 partners, neighbors, supporters, and friends. We marked five years of DJC’s fight for freedom and raised nearly $20,000 to fuel our work. The room was filled with inspiration and an abundance of hope that we, together, can transform Detroit into a Just City!
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Statement on Porcha Woodruff

By now, word has spread about the false arrest of Porcha Woodruff, a Black woman who was accused of carjacking at eight months pregnant in Detroit. Woodruff was the victim of faulty facial recognition technology that misidentified her and a Detroit Police Department that refused to back down when it had so obviously mistaken her...
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