
Fireside Chat: A Conversation with Freedom Dreamers

What better way to celebrate our 5th Anniversary than connecting with freedom dreamers in our community?

Join us on Thursday, June 29th at 12pm for our virtual fireside chat, A Conversation with Freedom Dreamers, to hear about the transformative work happening right in our backyard!

Handle With Care: Shelter

Our Artist in Residence, saylem m. celeste, has been working on a very special project titled, "Handle With Care." This event series is the fruit of a long year of research through saylem's artist residency at the Detroit Justice Center and the pilot project of the resulting Transformative Justice/Black Feminist group, Midnight Care Collective.

Handle With Care is a three-part experimental series of community activations centered around the intuitive resilience of Detroiters and the role communal care plays in our collective resistance. Through the lenses of Abolition, Transformative Justice, and Community Care, the series provides an accessible platform for participants to delve into fundamental human needs that shape our survival and the collective practices we hold to persist in our freedom struggles.

Panel Discussion: Strategies for Advancing Abolition

This conversation features the voices of leaders from Michigan Liberation, American Friends Service Committee, and Detroit Justice Center working to reimagine public safety through an abolitionist and community-informed lens.

NLG Annual Meeting & Elections

“Working Together to Fight Fascism”
We’re so excited to have Nancy A. Parker speak at our Annual Meeting. Get ready to be energized! Not only do we need strategy and solidarity to survive and defeat the growing fascist state, we need hope, information, and inspiration. Nancy offers all of these with wisdom, passion, and dedication to the people.

Detroit Justice Center’s 5 Year Anniversary

We’re celebrating our 5th Anniversary on August 24th from 6-9pm at The Eastern in Eastern Market! Join us as we honor the achievements we've made together over the last 5 years. This special evening will be filled with good food, dancing, a silent auction and a special installation by Saylem Celeste, DJC's 2023 Artist in Residence.

Surveillance Ain’t Safety! Open Meeting

On Thursday, August 31st, the Stop Shot Spotter Coalition will be holding an open meeting for community members to gather for a conversation about the use of facial recognition technology, Project Green Light, gunshot detection technology, and the expansion of police surveillance in Detroit. The wrongful arrest of Porcha Woodruff is a clear example of the dangers police surveillance poses to Black Detroiters and why we must stop investing in these harmful and ineffective technologies.

What is a Community Land Trust?

Join us for an exciting event where we explore the concept of a community land trust and its importance in our community. Discover how community land trusts protect affordable housing, preserve natural areas, urban gardens and historic sites. Learn about the benefits of community land trusts for both individuals and the environment.

Abolition Means No More War: Free Palestine Now!

About this event Prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionists have always understood the work to dismantle the PIC to be connected to global movements against war, militarism, and colonialism. In the […]

MI Learning Community: Gaining Public Support And Overcoming Skepticism

You are joining a first-of-its-kind statewide learning community to help end mass incarceration in Michigan. This community is thoughtfully designed for advocates and practitioners actively engaged in efforts related to community violence intervention, police accountability/ ending police harm, restorative justice, alternative emergency response, re-entry, and other innovative approaches to enhance public safety and prevent incarceration in Michigan.