Community partner of the Detroit Justice Center – Accountability 4 Dearborn – is celebrating huge and hard-fought victories after nearly two years of organizing their community toward carceral abolition and Black liberation.Read More
Our deepest condolences go out to Patrick Lyoya’s family and friends. No one should ever have to mourn a loved one because of a traffic stop. We offer our solidarity to those protesting Lyoya’s killing, and we join Black Lives Matter MI in calling for the immediate firing of Christopher Schurr, the officer responsible for...Read More
With driving on a suspended license being the third most common reason for arrests that lead to jail, DJC’s advocacy at the state level and direct services at the local level are targeting the heart of a carceral system that criminalizes poverty.As detailed in our Highway Robbery report, historically white suburbs fund their courts and...Read More
CPA's President thanked Amanda "for your commitment to social justice and the creative energy you bring to building institutions for social change."Read More
On October 1, 2021, the law changed and the Michigan Secretary of State (SOS) lifted driver’s license suspensions for certain driving law violations (website link). Here’s a few specific things we think you should know:Read More
The most important change is that the new moratorium only protects a tenant if "the individual resides in a U.S. county experiencing substantial or high rates of community transmission levels of SARS-CoV-2 as defined by CDC."Read More
It’s time we stop seeing all the reasons to be afraid, reasons to accept living in a police state as our only option, and to instead visualize all of the possibilities. And when the naysayers ask, “Where will this money for communities come from?” I will proudly state: from divesting from policing to invest in...Read More