MDRJN Third Community Circle Keeper Training

DJC’s Metro Detroit Restorative Justice Network (MDRJN) concluded its third Community Circle Keeper Training on Saturday, July 14th!

Participants and Facilitator Group Photo: This image shows a group of training participants and facilitators standing together outside against a colorful wall on a sunny day. The group consists of diverse individuals, smiling and standing closely together in a friendly and united manner. They are dressed casually and comfortably.

Over five weeks, 14 participants from various fields, including peer mental health crisis response, abolition, public education, legal system, higher education, counseling, and community organizing, gathered in a circle to learn about restorative justice. 

The group learned about the fundamentals of circle-keeping for addressing harm and conflict, managing confidentiality and legal responsibilities, strategies for self and community care, and the significance of external resources for the circle process. 

Throughout the training, the group shared laughter, tears, meals, and stories. The facilitators gained valuable insights from the participants’ diverse experiences and identified ways to enhance the training experience. 

This image depicts a group of individuals participating in training in a spacious room with wooden floors and white walls. The participants are arranged in a circle, some sitting on chairs and others on cushions or the floor, engaging with materials spread around them. At the front of the room, a woman stands next to a large projection screen displaying a presentation with text. The atmosphere appears informal and collaborative, with participants taking notes and discussing the content.

This is the third session of a four-training pilot, which has been refined with each iteration. The participants intend to utilize their circle-keeping skills in their workplaces, communities, and organizing spaces. The final training session will be offered this fall/winter at the LOVE building. We extend our gratitude to the Kresge Foundation for the financial support that made the 2024 training sessions possible! 

Big thanks to Belinda Dulin, Anika Awai-Williams, Lauren Fardig-Diop, and Isha Bhatt, who co-facilitated the training along with Angel McKissic, DJC’s Senior Program Manager and MDRJN Founder.

This image shows five training facilitators standing together outside against a colorful wall on a sunny day. From left to right, they are Belinda Dulin, Anika Awai-Williams, Lauren Fardig-Diop, Angel McKissic, and Isha Bhatt. They are all smiling warmly and dressed casually.

To receive updates on future iterations of the training, sign up for DJC’s newsletter. You can also support DJC’s work like this and join us in building a more just Detroit.

You can view pictures and read testimonials from some participants about their training experience below:

Did you have ideas, beliefs, or practices that changed as a result of participating in the training?

“Yes, the idea that only those who have been harmed deserve empathy and neutrality versus the harm-doer. I learned that it is important to see the humanity in all and extend beyond my own bias to offer harm-doers empathy. It was truly one of my biggest epiphany’s and shifts in perspective that I had.” 

How does this training support you at work, school, in the community, and/or with family?

“The training supports my intention to be a vessel in bringing more healing to people within themselves by equipping me with the tools to help people navigate conflict better, find a true resolve that works best for them to move forward from conflict, and guide them on how to remain detached from outcomes.”

Keep the trainers!!! They are an amazing group of individuals who have a true heart for the work and passion for people. Thank you for your diligence and support.

This image shows a spacious, well-lit room where a group is training. The room has a wooden floor, white walls, high ceilings, and modern lighting. Participants are seated in a circular arrangement on chairs, while some sit or lie on cushions and blankets on the floor. At the front of the room, a woman stands near a large screen displaying a presentation slide with text. The atmosphere appears relaxed and collaborative, with personal items and notes scattered around the participants.
This image shows a small group of people seated in a close circle, engaged in an intimate discussion. The participants are seated on chairs, and one woman, who appears to be speaking, has her hand on her chest while others listen attentively. The room has a wooden floor and white walls, with posters and notes visible in the background. The warm and supportive atmosphere suggests a deep, personal, and possibly therapeutic conversation. One participant holds a soda can, and personal items and snacks are placed on a cloth in the circle’s center.